Wednesday, 25 May 2011


The workshop is over. We had the last session today. It's was so very nice to work with such a diverse group and see some onstage meetings between artists from Sweden and Korea, Brazil and Russia.

I have put a few pictures here of some of the exercises from the last session. We were dressing up and telling stories.

Best. Alex.


Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Copenhagen workshop at the ASSITEJ world congress

It's the second day of the workshop here and some of the participants who were a bit jet lagged yesterday were really on top form today. We had some fun with the chairs and the tamborines. Fernando from Florida was a gracious (and cheeky) winner. Very kindly Carolina from Brazil tool a few pictures: here are some for the blog.

Fernado wins the game

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Sunday, 22 May 2011

ASSITEJ world congress

Just arrived in Copenhagen for the ASSITEJ world congress. I am doing a workshop and we are playing the great Berlin 61 show as part of the official programme here.

I was very pleased to get the new ASSITEJ magazine in my congress bag and see us on the front cover...

Fame at last.

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Location:Gammel Kongevej,Copenhagen,Denmark

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Our shop has changed...

We are in Peterborough today for some meetings and planning and stopped in at the Queensgate centre to see the location of our show Tales from the Middle of Town (It seems like so long ago that we did that show). The shop is of course still there but the inside has changed a lot. There is, for example, no longer a large forest upstairs and Sven and Guri were nowhere to be seen.

It is no longer Sven and Guri's emporium of stories, now it's called Magenta and sells kids clothes. I think I liked it more before. But at least we are up here in Peterborough planning a new show. Maybe Sven and Moody Man will make a come back.

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Monday, 16 May 2011

On my way to Copenhagen

Well this is a test of a mobile blogging tool that I am trying out. It seems like a nice idea to be able to blog from pretty much anywhere without needing to open up my computer... But does it work??

This is my Heathrow coffee plus a healthy looking granola type bar...

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Location:Heathrow Airport T5

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Sea Journey touring

The tour started with the Mayfest Robot Disco at Bristol Old Vic where Liz and Kieran really got into the spirit of the event...

We managed a run through at the Tobacco Factory which must be our favorite UK venue (well maybe in the top 3...)

At the Pleasance London I saw lots of old friends who know us from Edinburgh and it was great to see Anthony and the Pleasance gang still going strong and hard at work in non-Edinburgh mode. It is a lovely space that they have up there in Islington - I am heading back there soon for some development work on a new show called Pim and Theo - more on that later....

At the Pleasance Captain Mathiasen's sand stuck to the floor a bit and Elke went to work with mop to sort it out (extra points to her for that)

We are off the Oslo for shows this weekend in Dramatikens Hus - its the second part fo the NIE 10 Years Festival so look out for us there - 10 years is a long time - if it hadn't been so much fun I would say I feel old but as Kjell says - "its not the years, its the kilometers" what do you think he means?

Thursday, 5 May 2011

We've gone audio crazy - more about Mayfest

On our way to Bristol (by van and train not via the Atlantic)


Our first audio boo post (its digital you know)


Wednesday, 4 May 2011

A bit of video about Sea Journey on Tour....

Tom and I have been messing around with a bit of video recording to tell you about the Sea Journey tour to Bristols Mayfest....