Sunday, 13 December 2009

End of week One - in the middle

It's the end of the first week and I thought I'd update you on some of the things we've been doing.

We've explored more of the book, analysed all chapters to lay out the stories, played around with some music and bought some funny hats.

There is no casting yet, so here are some possibilities:

Nils as Phileas Fogg, Unai as very competent storyteller. Esquire is his favourite word.

Unai as Phileas Fogg, Esq.
A true English gentleman...

A selection of instruments.

Henrik as Phileas Fogg. He has issues with his own name.

Tarek as Phileas Fogg, Unai as Passepartout.

Tarek sings the Journey-Description-Song.

Henrik Ipsen as Phileas Fogg. Tuan sings the Suez-Canal-Song.

Other than rehearsing we have had a company dinner to catch up on people's lives outside NIE, and we've attended BAC's Amnesty International Gala Night and watched 1984. We had some hot punch, which I think must have been gluh-gin, as it seemed to have a lot of gluhwein ingredients, but it had gin instead of wine. It was very strong.

I realise I haven't yet shown you what was inside the big cardboard box. I will take a picture of it tomorrow.

There is one more thing, but again: I'd like to keep it as a surprise for those who come and see the scratch performances on the 18th and 19th. I'll reveal it afterwards for those who can't make it.
All I can say is that it's very exciting.

Tomorrow I will go and buy a bigger map. We need it.

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