Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Where do they go?

Yesterday we started rehearsals. We all met at BAC, met our producer there, and joined forces in our first rehearsal room. BAC has a lot of rooms and they all have different names. I know the room as Tom and Emma's old office. I think it is now called the Town's Clerk Room.
You can see Foxton's from the windows, and the first thing I noticed is how there are fewer staff at Foxton's now than there were 5 years ago.

Times change.

The first thing we decided to do after getting all the practical stuff out of the way, is draw Phileas Foggs journey on a map of the world. We discussed various versions of world maps, and how it's very hard to get a real idea of how big things are.

Henrik reinforced that idea by turning the map upside down to give us a new perspective.
But it confused us too much, so we made him turn it back the normal way up.

This is the journey from the book. We made a mistake in India, because he didn't travel straight across India, he went NE and then SE - seems like a slight waste of time to me, but he probably did it because there was no other way to cross at that time.

The team we are working with now is a new mix again, so I thought I'd introduce him.





Katchka (I spelt this wrong, but i don't have the Czech accents on my computer, so I tried to make it phonetic)



Unai (incognito)


Nils (he is very very tall, especially compared to me)

Elke (that's me - I am relatively short, but exceptionally short compared to Nils)

New show, new toys. Alex had some fun before we started and rented some costumes and this enormous bass drum. Considering he decided to hire it, we decided to also let him carry it. Alex is relatively short compared to this bass drum.

In the afternoon we changed to a different room. This room is called the New Committee Room. And I can't remember what I remember it as. It must have been someone's office.

The show that had been in there before must have been quite disturbing. The walls were covered in quotes relating to homophobic acts of violence, which luckily is quite far removed from the world we're immersing ourselves in.

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