Thursday 11 March 2010

Winter in Stockholm

We are in Stockholm. It is sunny but cold.
This year winter seems to last a very long time. We saw the snow arrive in Tromso at the end of September, and it is now mid March and we are still surrounded by snow.

But anyway.
Our flight from Oslo to Stockholm was very smooth, and when we arrived we were greeted by two taxi drivers, one of which was eating an ice cream.
We piled all of our stuff into two cars and managed to make it fit (it was tight), and drove to the theatre. The driver of the car I was in didn't seem to know where he was going and consulted a map that looked at least 20 years old.

He got us close to the theatre and made us walk the rest of the way. The Stadsteatern in Stockholm is so enormous a street runs through the middle of it, making it even harder for us to find out where to go. So we ended up in three small groups: me, Iva, the kids and Lenka were in the main hall, and couldn't see any signs for the C/O Lilla Scena where we were supposed to be. We'd left Kjell by the car awaiting further instructions of where to go - and assistance with the rest of the stuff. We had no idea how far away the others in the other car where and whether they'd also get dropped off somewhere quite random.

In the end we all found each other and found our stage.

We were given some tea and rehearsed the music for the show.

The next day (Tuesday) I went in to set up the lights and we did a run through in the afternoon. Then Alex and Cat arrived and we played to a nearly full house. It was great fun and after the show we were taken out for dinner by the theatre.

Yesterday I went for a wander through Stockholm while Kjell, Anna and Aude did a workshop with some actors from the ensemble.

I watched a bit of the changing of the guards at the royal palace.

Later in the afternoon we met some of them for a chat about how we worked and how they worked. This theatre employs 150 actors. We didn't meet them all.

After the show last night, Tom, Anna and I went into the old town to see a bluegrass band called Le Chat Mort. They were great.

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