Sunday 23 August 2009

4 more stars

We got another great review in What's On Stage. You can read it here.

I've been praised quite a lot this year: I had a special mention for my drum, Whatsonstage liked my minimalist piano tinkling, and several others have loved the lighting. I'll have to make sure my ego doesn't expand too much.

Today I will start my new adventure and be a Sue for the first time. They are nominated for a Total Theatre Award, so if they don't win it, I will take it very personally...

Throughout the 14 years I've worked in theatre, various people have asked me if I wouldn't rather be on stage. I never did (and still don't): the dark corners of the wings or a control booth suit me much more.
Bizarrely, this will be the third show I am IN this year. Something's going wrong here. And I'm too young for a midlife crisis or menopause.

I will reassess this phenomenon next year, after we've made a few new shows where I will aim to be back in my natural habitat.

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